Differences in WISMOlabs Liquid Templating Language Implementation

At WISMOlabs, we use a specific implementation of the Liquid templating language to power various aspects of our platform. While our implementation is largely consistent with the standard Liquid syntax and functionality, there are a few key differences that users should be aware of to ensure their templates work smoothly within the WISMOlabs environment to maximize the platform’s capabilities.

1. Syntax Variations

  • Core Syntax: The fundamental syntax for output statements ({{ }}) and logic statements ({% %}) remains the same in the WISMOlabs implementation. However, there may be slight differences in how more complex expressions or edge cases are handled.
  • Error Handling: In the WISMOlabs implementation, the way syntax errors or missing variables are managed might differ slightly. It’s advisable to test templates thoroughly to see how they behave with the data you are working with.

2. Case Sensitivity

  • Variables: Unlike some other Liquid implementations, the WISMOlabs platform is case sensitive when it comes to variables. Ensure that your variable names match the exact casing used in your templates to avoid potential issues.

3. Filter Differences

  • Builtin Filters: While the WISMOlabs implementation supports a wide range of filters for manipulating strings, arrays, and other data types, there may be subtle differences in how these filters behave. For instance, specific string manipulation or date formatting operations might yield slightly different results.

4. Tag Behavior

  • Control Flow Tags: Common tags such as {% if %}, {% for %}, and {% include %} are fully supported, but there could be differences in how these tags handle specific scenarios, like empty arrays or conditional logic.

5. Performance Considerations

  • Rendering Speed and memory usage: While the WISMOlabs implementation is optimized for performance, rendering speed may vary based on the complexity of the logic and the amount of data being processed. For typical use cases, users are unlikely to encounter issues. However, there are limits on heavy usage imposed by WISMOlabs, particularly in cases of intensive loops and conditional logic, which could impact memory usage and performance. Please keep these limits in mind when structuring and optimizing your templates.

Best Practices

  • Test Thoroughly: Always test your Liquid templates within the WISMOlabs environment to ensure they function as expected. This will help you catch any discrepancies and fine-tune your templates for optimal performance..

By familiarizing yourself with these differences, you can better tailor your Liquid templates to work seamlessly within the WISMOlabs platform, ensuring consistent and reliable outcomes.

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