Variable reference

WISMOlabs uses Liquid templating to enable dynamic content in notifications and tracking pages. The platform provides a range of case-sensitive variables (tokens or parameters) to personalize communication.

Note: WISMOlabs variables are in camelCase, while many third-party API submissions, including shopping platform parameters, are available in UPPERCASE for ease of use and visual differentiation, making it simpler for developers to distinguish between the two.

Below is a detailed overview of the available variables categorized by the data they represent.

Metadata Variables

Metadata refers to general information about the retailer and the tracking page.
The unique identifier for the retailer's tracking page.
The name of the retailer.
The website URL of the retailer.
The URL of the tracking page, including all of the query parameters,structured with key-value pairs appended after a question mark (?) and separated by an ampersand (&).
A shortened version of the tracking page link.

Customer Variables

These variables provide details about the customer.
The customer's first name.
The customer's email address.
The customer's phone number.
The postal code for the customer's address.
The ISO 3166 country codes for the customer's address.

Order Details Variables
These represent specific order-related data.
The order number associated with the shipment.
A unique product identifier(s).
A unique customer identifier(s).
An optional tag(s) associated with the shipment.
note: PID, CID and TAG in orderDetails can be represented as a single value ("PID": "one") or multiple values ("PID": ["one", "two", "three"]).

Shipment Variables

Shipment-related data, including tracking numbers and carrier information.
The tracking number for the shipment.
The identifier for the shipping carrier.
The name of the carrier responsible for the shipment.
The carrier's tracking page URL.

Nested inside of shipment node, there is a datesshippedFrom, and shippedTo branches.


Key dates related to the shipment, including when it was ordered, shipped, and delivered.
The date when the order was placed in ISO 8601 format YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS.
The date when the order was shipped in ISO 8601 format YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS.
The delivery date of the shipment in ISO 8601 format YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS.
Estimated time of arrival in ISO 8601 format YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS.
The source of the ETA data abbreviation (TRK - Tracking API, TIT - Time in Transit, etc)


{{shipment.shippedFrom.address1}}, , {{shipment.shippedFrom.address2}}
Shipping from address lines.
The country code of shipment origin. See list of ISO 3166 country codes here.
ZIP or postal code.
Shipping from address lines
The ISO 3166 country codes.

Location Variables

These are used to display the shipment's location updates.
A unique identifier for the location.
The type of location (e.g., "origin", "destination").
Longitude and latitude coordinates.

Tracking and Tracking Activity Variables

Nested inside tracking the shipmentStatus branch these variables provide details shipment current status and on each update in the shipment's tracking history.


The tracking branch contains information about the most recent status of the shipment.
Single letter status code of the shipment.
Short status name, e.g. shipped, out for delivery, etc..
Status description as provided by carrier.
Optional status summary as provided by selected carriers.
The date of the last event retrieved from the carrier.

Nested inside tracking the activity branch contains event history.


The activity section is an array of objects, where each object represents a tracking event, with details for each event serving as a snapshot of the shipment's progress. The events are sorted from the most recent (index 0) to the least recent, showing the chronological order of the shipment's activity.
A unique identifier for the activity event.
The single letter status code of the shipment.
Short status name, e.g. shipped, out for delivery, etc..
The date the activity occurred.
The city where the activity took place.
The state or province where the activity took place.
The country code where the activity took place.
The zip or postal code where the activity took place.

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