Submitting Data via WISMOlabs shipping API

Step 1: Create an API Account

To begin using the WISMOlabs API, log in to your WISMOlabs dashboard as an Admin. Navigate to Settings > User Accounts and create a new API user. This account will generate the credentials needed to access the API.

Step 2: Authenticate and Retrieve Your Token

When integrating with the WISMOlabs API, an access token is necessary for authorized requests.

Using your newly created API username and password, authenticate to receive a token. This token is essential for making authorized API requests. Detailed instructions are available here.

Access Token Management

This token does not need to be requested for every API call. Instead, it should only be refreshed periodically. When the token expires, any request made will return an "Unauthorized" error. At this point, you will need to request a new access token to continue making API requests.

This approach ensures efficient use of resources while maintaining secure access to the API.

Step 3: Submit Shipment Data

Once authenticated, you can submit order and shipment records with a single REST API call. The minimal required fields include a tracking number, email, and first name. However, you can provide additional data for further personalization.

For a complete guide and request samples, refer to the Postman API Collection.

Rate Limits

To ensure fair usage and maintain performance, WISMOlabs enforces rate limits on API requests. If you exceed the allowed number of requests in a given time frame, you'll receive a 429 status code ("Too Many Requests").

The rate limit quotas are dynamically set based on your account usage. You can check your current rate limit status by examining the following response header keys:

  • X-RateLimit-Limit: The maximum number of requests allowed within the time frame. For example, 400.
  • X-RateLimit-Remaining: The number of requests remaining before hitting the limit. For example, 324.

Monitoring these headers will help you manage your API requests effectively, avoiding disruptions due to rate limiting.

This streamlined process ensures that your data flows seamlessly, allowing you to personalize customer experiences effortlessly.

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