How to Connect Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) to WISMOlabs

Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) is a digital marketing platform offered by Salesforce that allows businesses to manage and automate their marketing efforts across various channels, including email, social media, SMS, and web.

To send triggers to Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) through an WISMOlabs call, you typically use the Messaging API, specifically the Triggered Send. Here's a step-by-step guide how to set-up a Trigger and Connect WISMOlabs to SFMC via API:

Step 1: Setting Up a Triggered Send Definition in SFMC

  1. Log in to your SFMC account
  2. Navigate to Email Studio
  3. Go to Interactions > Triggered Emails
  4. Click Create for a new Triggered Send Definition
  5. Fill in basic information:
    • Name your Triggered Send Definition
    • Choose a folder to save it in
    • Select an email to use
  6. Configure settings:
    • Subscriber Management: Handle subscribers not in the list;  Add subscribers to a list option;
    • Error Handling: Specify actions for unsubscribed/suppressed subscribers
    • Tracking: Set up tracking for opens, clicks, etc.
    • Send Options: Choose send classification (usually "Default Commercial")
  7. Set up Data Extension:
    • Create new or use existing
    • This stores subscriber data for the trigger
  8. Define Personalization Attributes:
    • Map API call fields to email fields
  9. Review and Activate:
    • Review all settings
    • Click "Activate" to make it live
  10. Get the External Key:
    • Note the "External Key" for API calls. You'll need this to connect WISMOlabs to SFMC to trigger WISMOlabs events.

Remember: Create the email content before setting up the Triggered Send Definition.

Step 2: Connecting WISMOlabs to SFMC

  1. Log in to your WISMOlabs account and navigate to Settings > Alerts > Salesforce MC  > Settings in the navigation menu.
  2. Copy the External Key acquired during setting up a trigger in SFMC and paste it into the API key field.
  3. Configure events and select the datapoints you want to be sent to SFMC. These datapoints can be used inside of SFMC as Personalization Attributes.
This setup ensures that WISMOlabs sends the necessary data to SFMC, allowing you to leverage SFMC's powerful marketing automation tools for personalized customer communications.

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